The April 2016 issue of the Dinosaur Files newsletter is now available. The little
monster weighs in at a whopping 33 pages, with tons of great training tips and information, and a detailed look at training and gaining for older Dinos. Take a look at what's inside this month's issue:
Hail to the Dinosaurs!
by Brooks Kubik
A look at a super program that doesn't work - and a look at old-school strength training
programs that do. PLUS, the one question to ask yourself before trying a new program - or when evaluating any new program you see. This simple tip could save you years of
training frustration.
Mesozoic Mail
by the Dinosaurs
Feedback, training reports, ideas, tips and suggestions from your fellow Dinos -
including a lifelong martial artist and lifter's perspective on the dangers of over-stretching. Plus, feedback on Dino-style deadlifting, squatting, and a 3-1 training cycle.
Jurassic Jottings
by Brooks Kubik
Special advice from Harry Paschall - a forgotten term and why it's important for serious
strength training - old school dumbbells and dumbbell training - the delivery system and
why it matters - The Wandering Hercules - and the man who walked halfway across the
United States and back just to meet and train with George F. Jowett.
Big Changes at Dino Headquarters!
by Brooks Kubik
We have some BIG CHANGES coming, and we want the readers of The Dinosaur Files
to be the first to hear about it.
Just Hanging Around
by Allan Roth
How one older Dino cured his severe shoulder problems with the simplest exercise
program imaginable.
Safe and Effective Lower Body Training for Older Dinos – No One Size Fits All! (Part 4)
by Brooks Kubik
A 10-part article to finish our series on safe and effective lower body training for older
Dinos. This one tackles the problems faced by older trainees head on – from a
perspective you won't see anywhere else. If you're an older trainee, or you plan to be
one someday, this may be the most important article you ever read.
The Wrap-Up
by Brooks Kubik
Final thoughts and a call to action.
All in all, it's another terrific issue, and one you'll want to read over and over.
The Dinosaur Files Newsletter - April, 2016 (OPTION 1: pdf download)
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IMPORTANT Note: The Dinosaur Files Newsletter - April, 2016 issue is available as an electronic PDF download via the order button above. You will receive a download link once you
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The Dinosaur Files Newsletter - April, 2016 (Option 2: KINDLE)
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IMPORTANT Note: The order button above will open in a new window taking you to where you can purchase a kindle version of the April, 2016 DInosaur Files newsletter.